How to get into gyaru

 Every gyaru would know that gyaru isn't just lashes, makeup, cheetah/leopard print. But a lifestyle! Anyways, here's my list of getting into gyaru. 

Here's some substyles, here's some more substyles like;

Kuro gyaru (if you have dark skin) 

Shiro gyaru (if you have light skin) 

Goshikku and rokku gyaru


Himekaji/Roma gyaru

Ane gyaru

ora gyaru

The male counterpart of gyaru is gyaruo.

And anyone that does gyaru that's a foreigner is a gajin gyaru.

If you're a beginner gal that's starting out or anyone who's interested in gyaru here's some history about it.

Gyaru existed since the mid 1980's to now. And originally, it was about rebelling against the beauty standards in japan. It's a Japanese transliteration of the English word gal. 

Bodikon or known as otachidai gyaru dressed in office wear clothing during daytime and then at night they would dress more sexy. They would go clubbing at Julianna's. But then it closed down in 1994. 

Then, people who didn't have pale skin or loved up to Japan's beauty standards started to rebel against society. And now we have the gyaru you would know today.

Anyways, here's a trigger warning for pedophilia

Kogyaru is aimed at younger girls starting off with gyaru and girls in highschool which is where they would accessorise their school uniforms by Rolling up their skirts to be shorter, slouchy socks or leg warmers, usually adding accessories to their uniforms. But then creepy men would tend to sexualize it in hentai, anime, and porn (I don't recommend searching that up)

Anyways trigger warning done.

Here's my list of getting into gyaru and what gyaru is and isn't. 

1. Obviously do your research. This doesn't even count for gyaru but for anything in life, if you're gonna be goth or punk you would obviously have to do research.

2. Following the rules of gyaru

You can't just wear eyelashes, cutesy or deco'ed out nails. Gyaru is a lifestyle, you're deciding to be apart of it. 

Gyaru is gonna be expensive but there is alternatives like say for example, you want a dia belt but you aren't willing to pay hundreds of dollars. There's an alternative and that's what anyone would call a dupe. It's cheap as fuck, you don't have to sell an organ for what expensive item you would buy.

You shouldn't shame baby gals for not buying brand or doing the makeup right away. That takes time, money and skill + practice. 

And of course follow the golden rule. Treat others the way you wanna be treated.

And you don't need to participate everyday.

3. Activities.

The most known activities in gyaru in my opinion is;

Para para





Joining a gal circle but you don't have to if you don't want. Then again this is my opinion of the most known activities in gyaru so stick with me.

4. What gyaru isn't.

Black fishing

Wearing dolly makeup

Fetishizing the fashion and lifestyle

Asian fishing

And bullying.

5. last but not least, Have fun, get wild and be sexy 

Bye friends and have a nice day! 



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